What I do: Reson8 in practice

Jeff Cloke is a sound artist, composer and improviser living in London.  He has been active on the experimental music scene since the 1960s. He is currently performing with his unique 'Reson8' setup, either as a solo performer or collaborating with other musicians, poets, dancers or painters.

Reson8 is a laptop-hosted software setup using Ableton Live! and some spectral plugins, controlled in real-time with a MIDI controller.  In simple terms, input sounds are transformed into output sounds: the input sounds may be live (microphone) or pre-recorded (Jeff only uses spoken words for his pre-recorded samples).  These input sounds (live or recorded) may themselves be sampled, split and looped on the fly, and the output spectrum, texture, volume and spatial position are 'composed' as the performance progresses. The resulting soundscape is generally dream-like, complex, and slow-moving: often described as 'ambient' or 'drone', but in fact unique.

Jeff finds the most rewarding performances involve live sampling/transformation of the spoken word from poets or story-tellers; if other musicians, dancers or painters are involved so much the better. 

A good example is here , another one here

More videos on my YouTube site  or contact me at jeffcloke@hotmail.com

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